Disclosure INDEXAR
The proposed application fits into the typology foreseen in the Notice for the Presentation of Applications AVISO No. 01/POAT/2022, since its objective will allow it to contribute to ensure the increased recognition and appreciation of the role of the European Union and the importance of the ESIF, as a source of funding for operational interventions, the demonstration of the national investment effort that accompanies the funding of structural interventions.
This application also aims to increase the visibility and notoriety of the role played by European funds in Portugal and to highlight the relevance of the ESIF for the development of the regions through dissemination and publicity actions.
More specifically, the development of the following actions is planned:
- Creation and development of communication supports that facilitate the dissemination of the operation, as well as the importance and relevance of ESIF support in the same;
- Participation in events, to publicize the project and its results, giving visibility and notoriety to the support and role played by the European Union, Portugal 2020 and the ESIF.
1. identification and framework
- Código: POAT-01-6177-FEDER-000240
- Duration: 6 months
- Expected start date: 01-05-2022
- Expected completion date: 10-31-2022
2. Application Summary
This application arises as an opportunity, based on the dissemination plan produced under operation 40215, to produce materials and tools to disseminate the service, bridging the limitations resulting from the difficulties experienced during the pandemic period. As the objectives of the Digital Repositories Directory (DRD) project are to become a reference directory in facilitating access to existing digital repositories in Portugal in the area of Science and Culture, the success of the DRD project also depends on assertive and timely dissemination to the various audiences of interest.
Thus, taking into account the target population of the project, several public administration entities, public and private education entities, students, teachers, researchers from various fields of knowledge, with this application, we foresee a relevant impact on the promotion of the role played by European funds in Portugal, ensuring broad information and communication of Portugal2020 and the ESIF, as provided for in Priority Axis 1 of the POAT.