The 2nd PUB IN Meeting: journals and scientific communication for open science will be held on March 26 and 27, 2025 at the Portuguese Catholic University in Porto. The initiative is organized by FCCNFCT's digital services, and the University of Minho.
The aim of this meeting is to bring together the national publishing community in order to develop technical skills, capitalize on knowledge and ways of working and promote the sharing of good practices, bringing together editorial teams. The program includes technical workshops, flash talk sessions to demonstrate and present experiences, as well as a panel discussion on emerging issues.
Submission of proposals and registration
The proposal submission period began onDecember 16, 2024 and runs until February 17, 2025. Participant registration runs from January 2 to March 21, 2025.
The 2nd PUB IN Meeting has been funded by the National Program for Open Science and Open Research Data, as part of measure RE-C05-i08 - "Ciência Mais Digital" of the Recovery and Resilience Plan(PRR).
PUB IN is funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology and developed by this organization and the University of Minho (UM). This initiative provides infrastructures(SARC and Scielo) for publishing scientific periodicals in open access.
For more information, see: PUB IN