b-on, the Online Knowledge Library, a digital service of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), developed through FCCN, is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a meeting for its community on November 20, at the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu. Registration is now open.

"20 years of b-on" is the name of the event that aims to commemorate two decades of existence, innovation and collaboration, bringing together its partners and friends.  

During the meeting, the role that b-on has played with its member institutions will be discussed, as well as their contribution to its continued success. 

We will have presentations, debates and moments of sharing, which will allow us to reflect on the past, present and future of this long and effective cooperation with the member institutions of the consortium.   

The celebration will end with a convivial dinner for interested participants, which will take place in the city of Viseu, in order to once again strengthen the relationship between the community.  

Registration open 

The event is aimed at librarians, content managers, managers and other people connected with b-on, who can book their place now by filling in the registration form.  

The event program will be shared soon on the event website and disseminated by the usual means of communication.  

b-on over 20 years  

Since 2004, b-on's mission has been to provide access to science and, more recently, to promote the open dissemination of science produced by people affiliated with member institutions. 

Over the last two decades, the project has provided access to quality academic content and advantageous subscription conditions for member institutions. In 2023 alone, it provided access to 220,887 scientific journals, 46,480 proceedings and 25,033 ebooks.  

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