July 26th is "SysAdmin Day". SysAdmin" to recognize the importance of the work done by these IT professionals. We spoke to Joaquim Chitas, Systems Administrator at FCT's digital services unit FCCN, to find out more about the role and importance of this profession.

In an increasingly interconnected world, where networks and systems communicate with each other, it is increasingly important to manage and update these structures. This is the role of a Systems Administrator or SysAdmin, who are key elements in the Information Technology departments of companies and organizations.

Joaquim Chitas is a Systems Administrator at the Foundation for Science and Technology, in the digital services unit FCCN, and has over 20 years' professional experience. "I've experienced a huge evolution in computer systems over the years," he begins, explaining that he chose this profession because of his "fascination with technology and computers", as well as his love of "solving problems and contributing solutions that help organizations to be more productive". 

In general, system administrators are responsible for installing, maintaining and administering systems and the IT infrastructures that support them. This can mean installing servers, for example, or configuring applications and managing databases. They are also responsible for monitoring the performance and security of these systems and resolving any problems.

"The Systems Administrator is fundamental to the smooth running of organizations that depend on computer systems," says Joaquim Chitas, explaining that a central part of the job involves "ensuring the normal operation of information and communication systems", "protecting the organization's data" and also providing technical support to users, "boosting productivity".

To be able to do this job, a SysAdmin must master various operating systems and network protocols, in order to be able to use resources such as command line interfaces, programming languages or specialized software . There are three fundamental areas of activity - IT, networks and cybersecurity.  

Connecting to technology

The work of a Systems Administrator is fundamental within an organization. Joaquim Chitas points out that solving sudden and urgent problems and mitigating security risks are some of the most important jobs he has ever carried out at FCCN, since they can jeopardize the functioning of the system. To do this, he explains, it is necessary to "keep up with technological developments, in terms of operating systems, applications and hardware". 

"I keep up to date with new technologies and trends through the information and technical documentation available on the internet on specialized sites, by attending events and workshopsand by attending technical training at specialized entities, which FCCN has provided me with and which is part of the organization's training plan," says the SysAdmin.

Growing importance

Given the way in which systems and networks are used today in all fields of activity, these professionals have the opportunity to work in various sectors and areas. The Universia portal highlights how "there is a great demand in the job market" for these professionals, due to "the ever-increasing digitization carried out by companies". 

The same source cites a study by the World Economic Forum (WEF) which highlights the trend towards all industries "becoming smart industries". "This reality is generating an increasing demand from companies for system administrators capable of putting this technological shift into practice," they conclude. 

Joaquim Chitas shares the same opinion. "The profession of Systems Administrator is fundamental to the functioning of organizations today and will be even more so in the future with the forecast of increasing use of informationsystems," he points out, stressing that trends such as cloud systems and architectures, as well as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will have a decisive influence on this profession. 

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