The NAU Platform is the digital service of the Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT, developed through FCCN and co-financed by the PRR, dedicated to online training. 

Throughout its 6 years of activity, this platform has been promoting literacy among the Portuguese population. On this World Literacy Day, find out more about this work and learn about NAU's impact.

NAU's impact in numbers

The word literacy is present in one of NAU's founding objectives - "Stimulating digital literacy". In addition to this dimension, other types of literacy have been worked on by this service of FCCN, FCT's digital services, such as environmental literacy (with training courses that focus on mobilizing for sustainable projects, for example) or media literacy (with courses that train to identify disinformation online), not to mention financial literacy. 

But how massive is the NAU really acting? The metrics relating to its use give us the answer. Since 2019, more than 885,000 people have registered for NAU training, with a total of 228 courses promoted by 62 partner organizations. 

In total, there are more than 323,000 people registered on the platform, which shows its impact on promoting literacy in Portugal.

Promoting public literacy

Several NAU courses - promoted by entities such as the National Cybersecurity Center (CNCS) or MetaRed Portugal - have or had the objective of providing the Portuguese population with basic learning and skills in the use of digital tools, by sharing basic cybersecurity or privacy principles.

To deepen your digital knowledge, check out the Cyber-Informed Citizen course

Another of the literacies worked on by NAU concerns environmental literacy. Thanks to courses run by organizations such as the Common House of Humanity or Portuguese higher education institutions, thousands of citizens have been able to improve their understanding of the phenomena related to the climate crisis, learning the best ways to mobilize a response that prioritizes the concept of sustainability.

If you want to be an environmentally responsible citizen, sign up for the ReCiBosk - From Disposable to Sustainable course

In a context marked by growing disinformation online, there is also a growing need to safeguard the safe consumption of information. In this regard, organizations such as the Centro Protocolar de Formação Profissional para Jornalistas (CENJOR) and initiatives such as the INCoDe.2030 programme have developed courses that address media literacy, equipping the population with the skills to identify fake news and information online.

Other examples can be given, such as NAU training courses that address topics such as health literacy, financial literacy or democratic literacy. In common, these courses seek to provide the Portuguese population with relevant qualifications that will make a difference to their lives. 

Visit the website of this service FCCN and discover the ideal open, online and massive course for your interests and profile. You can find out more at

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