Since its launch in November 2023, the "Suggestions" feature of CIÊNCIAVITAE, FCT's digital service, developed through FCCN, has already made it easier and faster to add 143,000 records relating to scientific productions and projects.
7150 working hours and 100,000 euros have already been saved
This breakthrough resulted in an estimated saving of 7150 working hours / 100,000 euros*, representing a significant step forward in simplifying curriculum management for the scientific community.
In line with the basic principle of PTCRIS, "Register once, reuse many times", the "Suggestions" feature is designed to ease the bureaucratic burden on researchers by making it easier to fill in CVs automatically.
This innovation works by suggesting information based on the data already available on the CIÊNCIAVITAEplatform. By automating this process, the tool not only saves time, but also improves the accuracy and consistency of the records on the platform.

As well as making the process of managing scientific information more efficient, the functionality reflects CIÊNCIAVITAE's commitment to supporting the scientific community.
With this and other innovations, the platform allows researchers to focus their efforts more on their core activities, such as research and development, making a decisive contribution to the advancement of science in Portugal.
CIÊNCIAVITAEwill continue to evolve with future updates in order to further expand the positive impact of this functionality on the management of scientific information.
*The estimated savings in time and money were calculated based on three factors: the average time to manually enter a record on the platform is 3 minutes; researchers dedicate an average of 1,820 hours a year to their scientific activities; and the average annual salary of a researcher is 29,000 euros, according to the European Commission's "Study on the Remuneration of Researchers in the Public and Private Sectors".