André Martins, Professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico and researcher in the field of artificial intelligence, will serve as a member of the RIAG (Research and Innovation Advisory Group) of the EuroHPC supercomputing partnership.  

The decision to appoint the members of the RIAG for two-year terms was taken on February 29 by the Partnership's Board of Directors, in which the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), through FCCN, represents Portugal as a Participating State.  

The twelve members of the RIAG are selected on the basis of their scientific and technical merit, with André Martins being the candidate designated by the FCT. 


The RIAG advises the EuroHPC Board of Directors on priorities for the development and adoption of technologies and applications by users of EuroHPC's computing resources. The RIAG is also responsible for developing the research and innovation component of the Partnership's Multi-Annual Strategic Program 2021-27(MASP 2021-27), an essential instrument for defining the EuroHPC's annual Work Programs, which result in the Partnership's calls for tenders and calls for research and innovation projects. 

The work of the members of the RIAG is guided by impartiality and scientific objectivity, and it is important to note the contribution of a national community perspective, particularly with regard to the use of supercomputers for applications in the field of artificial intelligence. 

EuroHPC's objectives 

EuroHPC is a public-private partnership that aims to develop, deploy, expand and maintain a federated, secure and hyper-connected ecosystem of high-performance computing (HPC), quantum computing, services and data infrastructure in Europe and associated countries.  

For more information on EuroHPC see the page on the FCT website. 

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