The Foundation for Science and Technology, through FCCN, and NORDUnet, the organization that connects research and education networks in the Nordic countries, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support the Polar Connect initiative.

This agreement is in line with the concerns of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union regarding international digital connectivity. It aims to safeguard European digital sovereignty by achieving secure and resilient connectivity across the Arctic to Asia and North America for the benefit of research, development, innovation and education. 

Direct interconnection between Europe and Asia is planned 

More than 97% of internet traffic currently travels over submarine cables. However, in the current geopolitical context, the routes of these cables have become insecure, making it imperative to explore alternative routes. This memorandum provides for Polar Connect to use a new submarine cable route through the Arctic. This will enable direct interconnection between Europe and Asia, using a resilient, secure and sovereign infrastructure, which is crucial for Europe's digital autonomy. 

FCCN, FCT's digital services, and NORDUnet have a long history of collaboration, dating back to the early days of research and education networks in Europe and the creation of the GÉANT network.  

João Nuno Ferreira, General Coordinator of FCCN, FCT's digital services, stresses that "Polar Connect is a Digital Global Gateways initiative, complementary to Ellalink, which is supported by FCT because it is highly strategic , providing Portugal with access to a direct, resilient and sovereign link to East Asia, allowing new opportunities for communication and collaboration in research".

Both entities recognize the strategic importance of a strong, sustainable and resilient international presence for Europe, pledging to move forward with Digital Global Gateways - technological infrastructures that facilitate the flow of digital information, represented here by systems that promote connectivity between different continents. 

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