This digital service from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), developed through FCCN, is the result of a partnership with the General Secretariat for Education and Science and Construção Pública, E.P.E. 

Zelo is a platform that enables organizations, with total autonomy, to register, manage and monitor the processes associated with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

"Zelo allows state bodies total independence from the 'proprietary' solutions often used by external Data Protection Officers," adds Artur Gaspar, who is responsible for this new FCT service, available through FCCN.  

Who is it intended for? 

All bodies belonging to the government areas of Education and Science, Technology and Higher Education, such as universities and polytechnic institutes, research centers, among others, can join Zelo at no extra cost. Membership can be extended to any state body, by agreement, through the extension of the protocol. 

Zeal: helping organizations apply the GDPR 

This digital service makes it possible to record and detail processes that have taken place within member organizations, assessing their impact on data protection. It also ensures the registration of requests regarding the exercise of data protection rights and the notification of institutions in the event of a breach of these rights. 

In addition, Zelo provides entities with a set of GDPR manuals, templates and forms , and has a technical support service(helpdesk). 

This service is also committed to sharing up-to-date information on legislation, links, glossaries and a Q&A area among member organizations . 

For all these reasons, Zelo ensures compliance with the principles and purposes of the GDPR, guaranteeing greater ease of reporting and processing of personal data. 

The General Data Protection Regulation 

The General Data Protection Regulation contributes to good practices and information security solutions and is an important instrument for guaranteeing the quality of the services provided by organizations. It has established new policies for internal regulation, auditing and compliance

To find out more about this digital service from the Foundation for Science and Technology, available through FCCN, please contact the team by emailing 

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