Pedro Fernandes, Director of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, was one of the participants at the 2023 Advanced Computing Meeting.
With less than a month to go until the next edition of the event, which will be held at the University of Beira Interior between November 5 and 6, the Professor gave us his account of his participation in last year's initiative.
According to Pedro Fernandes, this is a very important event "because it brings together researchers from the most diverse scientific areas who have in common the use of HPC resources", adding that "without this event, this community would never meet, as each one attends congresses in their own area of knowledge".
Looking back on his experience, he highlights the fact that, through the Meeting, he met mathematicians, computer scientists, physicists, biologists and astronomers, among other professionals, which allowed him to "understand their needs, their similarities and differences, and what unites us all - working on high-performance computers".
Pedro also expressed his interest in attending a future edition of the meeting and hopes that it will help to define "the needs and priorities of advanced computing in Portugal and contribute to a sustained and strategically planned progress of high-performance computing resources in our country".
The event, organized by FCCN, the digital services of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and supported by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), brings together researchers, technicians and decision-makers with the aim of promoting collaboration and the development of skills in the area of Advanced Computing. The previous edition featured 16 sessions, 29 speakers and more than 60 participants.
Registration for the 4th edition of the initiative is still open and the event program is already available.