For the first time, the Arquivo.pt 2025 Prize has established a partnership with the Commission for the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of April 25, which aims to award €5,000 to a work on the theme of the 1974 Revolution. Maria Inácia Rezola, Executive Commissioner of the Commission to Commemorate 50 years of April 25, shared what it means to award an Honorable Mention dedicated to this milestone in national history.
The Comissão Comemorativa 50 anos 25 de Abril is, for the first time, a partner of the Arquivo.pt Prize. What is the purpose of this partnership and how does it fit in with your mission?
This initiative is fully in line with the mission and objectives of the Commission for the Commemoration of 50 years of April 25. The Commemorations (2022-2026) aim to mark half a century of freedom and democracy in Portugal, evoking key moments in the resistance against dictatorship and colonialism and key events in the construction of democracy. We work with a strong focus on promoting knowledge of the country's recent history, in order to mobilize Portuguese society for a debate on the future of democracy. We believe that knowledge of the past forms the foundations of a more participatory, plural and democratic society.
The Arquivo.pt Prize promotes research and the construction of this knowledge. Because of its scope, it will have an impact on different generations and will help more people - especially those born after April 25 - to understand how freedom was won and how democracy was built.
Why do you consider it important to distinguish innovative works based on information preserved on Arquivo.pt about April 25?
April 25, 1974 was a decisive moment in Portugal's history, not least because it put an end to a dictatorship that had lasted almost half a century. During that period, there wasn't a single day when the Portuguese could speak and act in freedom. With April 25, freedom was won and the doors were opened to the building of a democratic order. And despite the distance in time, it is still relevant today. We all benefit daily from the legacies of April 25, and it is everyone's duty to preserve them. It cannot be repeated enough that we cannot take democracy for granted, and democracy needs enlightened, empowered and participatory citizens. Everyone is essential in debating and building the future.
Arquivo.pt is making a fundamental contribution to preserving this history and memory. As we know, the "lifespan" of many websites is very short. By making it possible to recover web pages that are no longer available, Arquivo.pt constitutes itself as one of the most important repositories of digital sources for contemporary Portuguese history. The works submitted to the competition will certainly demonstrate the wide-ranging possibilities opened up by Arquivo.pt, underlining its importance.
What will you most value in the projects that are candidates for your honorable mention?
The best candidates for this honorable mention will be projects that contribute to preserving the memory and history of April 25 and the birth of Portuguese democracy. The originality and characteristics of this process will certainly allow for the presentation of particularly interesting projects. Since, fortunately, we have a wealth of information on the subject, we will also value the originality and creativity of the work submitted. Finally, we will have to take into account their scientific rigor.