Testimonial Jornadas FCCN: Filipe Moreira - ANI
The Information Systems Coordinator of the National Innovation Agency - ANI, Filipe Moreira, shares the importance of the community meeting FCCN for its members. read more
SDP: Session Description Protocol - Are we in business?
Hand in hand with SIP, the Session Description Protocol (SDP), is a key protocol for VoIP and the RCTS VoIP network. This article explores the importance of SDP and how it is used to negotiate voice session characteristics. read more
The importance of Distance Learning in the future of organizations
Maria José Sousa, pro-rector for the Development of Distance Learning at ISCTE-IUL, is yet another author invited by FCCN for the theme featured this month on the Blog FCCN. In her article, she highlights the potential of Distance Learning (DL) as a driver of skills development for the digital transformation of organizations. read more
Technology in the Future of Education
Vitor Manteigas, assistant professor at the Lisbon School of Health Technology (ESTeSL-IPL) and member of the Working Group for Distance Learning of the Polytechnic of Lisbon (EaD@IPL), is our guest author to help us reflect on the importance of technology in education and current pedagogical models. read more