The importance of Distance Learning in the future of organizations


26 April 2023

Maria José Sousa, pro-rector for the Development of Distance Learning at ISCTE-IUL, is yet another author invited by FCCN for the theme featured this month on the Blog FCCN. In her article, she highlights the potential of Distance Learning (DL) as a driver of skills development for the digital transformation of organizations. read more

Technology in the Future of Education


April 24, 2023

Vitor Manteigas, assistant professor at the Lisbon School of Health Technology (ESTeSL-IPL) and member of the Working Group for Distance Learning of the Polytechnic of Lisbon (EaD@IPL), is our guest author to help us reflect on the importance of technology in education and current pedagogical models. read more

RTP: The protocol that guarantees your voice in VoIP calls


Written by Fábio Cosme - 31 March 2023

Responsible for transmitting audio and video data in real time, RTP, or Real-time Transport Protocol, is a protocol used in voice over IP (VoIP) communications. read more

"Research answers a lot of questions and can have very positive impacts on society."


March 29, 2023

Carina Soares-Cunha, researcher and neuroscientist at the Life Sciences and Health Research Institute, University of Minho, awarded with the L'Oréal Medal of Honor for Women in Science, is another guest of the Women in STEM Campaign. read more

"Society has to create an environment where the decision to be a scientist is natural."

Knowledge Innovation

March 29, 2023

Sandra Tavares, researcher in cancer biology at I3S, tells us how she discovered that cancer biology was the area where she wanted to develop her research work. read more

"Being a researcher is a very rewarding job and that includes doing amazing things"


22 March 2023

Edna Correia, researcher at CESAM (Center for Environment and Sea Studies), at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, tells us about her journey. read more

"Look for good mentors and colleagues, our mutual support is very important."

Knowledge Innovation

22 March 2023

Clara Ferreira, neuroscientist at the Champalimaud Foundation, shares her testimony about her journey in science. read more