Second edition of the award that distinguishes three innovative uses of the information preserved by the Portuguese Web Archive. 

Prime Minister António Costa announced the winners. The moment was part of the opening session of the Science 2019 Meeting, on 8th July, at the Lisbon Congress Centre.

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The first prize, worth €10,000, was awarded to Arian Pasquali, Nuno Moniz and Tomás Amaro, as the team responsible for developing the application. This application invites all citizens to dress the role of deputy, simulating the plenary of the Portuguese Parliament.

The decisions put to the user are those taken in Parliament during the last decade. " We developed this idea with the aim of bringing citizens closer to the decisions taken in our Parliament, and to provide all the necessary information to contextualize this data.

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It is precisely in this informative dimension that proves to be essential. This archive was used as a "unique source" to "collect the legislative proposals and their metadata", demonstrating the potential of "as a repository of collective memory", the authors add.

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The second prize was awarded to the project, a platform that signals post-publication changes in Portuguese news. According to the authors Flávio Martins and André Mourão, this is "a platform for the global analysis of the Portuguese press, based on the processing of large quantities of news from online newspapers".

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The researchers - who are now receiving a €3,000 prize - also add that "this work would not have been possible without the, as it was used as the source for all the data collected". To carry out this work, 139561 articles were collected from the Portuguese Web Archive. "Of which 6793 articles were edited more than once", they highlight.

The analysis of published news was also the scope of Zélia de Macedo Teixeira's work, within the scope of her research "Public discourses on violence in private". The researcher (who now receives 2.000€) collected, using, 217 news items (published in the three main daily newspapers) on domestic violence.

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In the submitted description, Zélia Macedo Teixeira highlights that the way the media convey the events of domestic violence "make them potent constructors of knowledge and behaviour of individuals", reaffirming their "political/social power for effective changes in societies".

This year the award received a total of 23 applications, and the 3rd edition is already being prepared, whose application period will run from January to May 2020.

The Prize aims to annually reward innovative work based on the historical information preserved by The competition ended on May 3 and received proposals for work in areas such as: media, education, design, IT, health or cultural and historical heritage. The Prize 2019 was sponsored by His Excellency the President of the Republic Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

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