Portugal's fastest ever supercomputer is inaugurated today. Deucalion multiplies Portugal's computing capacity tenfold.
As of today, the Portuguese supercomputer Deucalion will be installed at the University of Minho and accessible to the entire academic community, companies and public administration. The inauguration of Deucalion will take place today at the Azurém Campus of the University of Minho, starting at 2.30pm, and will be attended by the Prime Minister, António Costa, the Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, Elvira Fortunato and the President of the Foundation for Science and Technology, Madalena Alves.
With the capacity to perform 10 million billion calculations per second, Deucalion will significantly increase Portugal's high-performance computing capacity. In this way, it will be possible to accelerate the production of science and innovation in Portugal in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, personalized medicine, drug design and new materials, combating climate change and fires, among others.
This joint project of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), through FCCN , and the European joint venture EuroHPC represents a joint investment of 20 million euros, 35% originating from EuroHPC community funds and 65% originating from funds from the Recovery and Resilience Plan, received by FCT, as a direct beneficiary of the RE Investment. C05-i08 “More Digital Science”.
The supercomputer will be accessible to the academic and research community, companies and the public administration. The FCT will launch calls for tenders for access to this infrastructure and specific programs to support SMEs are also planned.
Find out more about Deucalion.

Watch the video of the inauguration: